There has been public discussion about the proposed Sio Silica Sands Project, now Project SiMbA, and we want to be transparent with all members about our position on resource extraction developments.

Community involvement in these discussions is crucial. Many members have expressed interest in the benefits of various development proposals, while others are raising concerns. This is why we have invited community members to participate in information sessions. Council will continue to work together and ensure factual information will be shared with our membership about resource development projects being proposed in our territory. We will hold these corporations responsible to ensure this information is presented in a respectful manner, understanding all perspectives are valid and should be taken into account.

The world has been given notice that our territory holds one of the purest deposits of silica sand, a critical mineral that is growing in importance for our planet’s future. We expect more proposals and projects. Governments cannot continue to ignore our treaty rights and responsibilities, we must position ourselves to be at the decision making tables.

Council continues to send a strong message to government that for too long all development in BON’s territory has impacted our lands and waters with zero benefits to our nation and the wellbeing of our members – this cannot continue. If we are truly going to advance economic reconciliation in our territory,  it must happen on our terms.

After 150 years of being ignored, we feel it is time for us to take a stand and ensure if there are going to be any resource developments in our territory there must be a direct benefit to BON.

We are working with the Province to ensure that there is partnerships and direct benefits for Brokenhead Ojibway Nations in past, present, and future resource development. This is the first step towards true economic reconciliation

Chief & Council, Brokenhead Ojibway Nation